It is no surprise that Americans enjoy tee shirts. As a matter of fact, the Guinness World Record for tee shirt wearing belongs to a woman named Sanath Bandara who wore 256 tee shirts at the same time. If this isn’t a dedication to tee shirts we’re not really sure what is. American have a habit of typically representing their favorite brands, companies, charities, pop culture references, and many other fun quirky means by wearing custom transfers that depict the things that they enjoy. Now, what if you took this new knowledge of just how much Americans like tee shirts and decided to market something in your business the very same way? If you were to do this and drag in a new crop of customers than perhaps purchasing manual heat press machines to make your custom transfers would be something beneficial to you and your newly booming business. After all, when there are women wearing 256 tee shirts at once it must mean that this is the business that will make your small company flourish.
The average spending that is placed on tee shirt and apparel services is $1,700. Part of that $1,700 could be being placed in your pocket with the purchases of manual heat press machines to make tee shirts, hats and other fun items that advertise your business and put your name out there for new customers to see and educate themselves with. But besides making tee shirts with your new machines, what other creative branding can be created thanks to your new manual heat press machines that are going to rebrand your business and bring traffic through the door that you didn’t have the benefit of having before?
Custom heat transfers for hats are also a popular venue for these machines to be used for! Though hats may not be as successful as a tee shirt, these custom hats will garner attention for you as well and they will make new customers feel the need to come and find out what your business is all about. For a company that actually spends time and money finding creative ways to advertise themselves they benefit with individuals coming in to explore what you’re all about.
By investing in specialty heat press transfer machines you’re bringing something new to your business and introducing your customers to items that they can share with others as well as promoting your business. These manual heat press machines are the thing that could be the most beneficial asset to your business when it comes to pulling in new customers. Make sure you’re doing the best you can with your branding and advertising by adding the addition of these custom heat transfer products to your inventory. These fun additions will keep your customers coming back for more.