Nerd culture is the new cool. The generation of folks now in their mid to late 20s grew up playing video games, and have been lucky enough to see the advent of technology blossom just as they did. And with this exposure that we have had, we have been able to dictate that technology and video games play a more crucial role in our lives than any generation ever before. With the quickly growing advances in tech, we also have a great deal more to reminisce about. Everyone has that moment where they fondly discuss their first computer, that was three times the size of anything on the market now. Or, my favorite discussion, getting nostalgic about old school video games and the systems on which we grew up, and clocked countless hours.
With all of this old technology just sort of floating out in the ether, people are devising clever ways to use them. I have one craft that recycles an old piece of tech that is simple, and yet speaks to your personality and offers a great conversation starter to boot. It is a computer keyboard picture frame.
You will need only three to four items for this craft and that is it. First, find a picture frame of any desired size, the actual look of the frame does not matter, as long as the surface is smooth. Then find a keyboard with keys that best fit your style. Think about the picture that you want to put in the frame to help decide on the right look. If you are thinking of using pictures of computer keyboards in your frame (kind of meta and ironic), any keys will do. Just remember, some old keyboards will be easier to find than others. Next, get an adhesive of some kind. I suggest hot glue. White school glue is not always the strongest bond, and a glue stick will just not work at all.
Last, the optional item is a screwdriver if you need to pry the keys out. Then you are set to just glue any key combination that you want. If you get them all out, and then decide you want to organize them in the customary order, a computer keyboard layout picture can help with that. In fact, a computer keyboard layout picture can be the picture of a computer keyboard that you put in the frame!
With an old keyboard, an old picture frame, and some glue, and the optional prying device and computer keyboard layout picture, you can boast of your geekery in no time. It is a fun project, easy, and a great way to recycle some old tech that is no longer used. You can even get your kids introduced to nerdy crafts this way too. It is simple and safe enough for them to be fully involved and enjoy.