From industrial microscopes to the handheld digital microscope, microscope today are more highly accessible than they have ever been. Industrial microscopes and the like can be used for many a scientific purpose, such as looking at the human body (after all, there can be up to 100 trillion cells contained in just one person) or even at things like bacteria and viruses and plant life and more. And industrial microscopes have a number of other important purposes as well.
For example, industrial microscopes can be used for educational purposes as well. When students like high schools students are given access to microscopes such as industrial microscopes, their studies can become so much more in depth and hands on. In this way, industrial microscopes help to inspire not only the growth of young minds, but new scientific passions as well. And industrial microscopes are not even the only type of microscope currently available in the world as we know it.
In our world, microscopes even aside from industrial microscopes have become truly more accessible than ever before. For instance, microscope cameras are now more common than ever. In addition to this, there are even apps made for microscope use, such as the microscope app for android or the microscope app for ios. And while these microscopes are not nearly as powerful as industrial microscopes, they work surprisingly better than many people might think.
Of course, microscopes were not always like this, as the history of the microscope is an incredibly long one. In fact, the first microscope actually came into being all the way back in the late 1500s, around the year of 1590. And though we know that this was when the microscope was first invented, there is some question over who actually did the inventing.
The first patent for the microscope was filed for by a man of the name of Hans Lippershey. However, there has been discussion surrounding the fact that it might not have been Hans Lippershey who first came up with the idea and the very first prototype of a microscope. After all, some convincing evidence instead points towards a father and son duo by the names of Hans and Zacharias Janssen, who lived in the very same town as Lippershey. As this father and son both made spectacles, it makes sense that it might have been them who first created the microscope instead of Lippershey. However, the true creator of the microscope might never fully be discovered.
But no matter who discovered the microscope, the microscope has been used for many important scientific purposes throughout the centuries. The very first microscopes actually earned the nickname of flea glasses as they were originally used to study insects to greater detail. Actually, the first recorded drawings of microscopic observations were even of a bee. These drawings were made all the way back in the year of 1625, by an Italian man who was named Francesco Stelluti.
The discovery of bacteria – and the very first drawings of it, for that matter – was also made possible through the use of a microscope. This discovery, as many of us are likely to already know, was made by a man of the name of Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. These observations and drawings were first made in the year of 1683 and have influenced what we know about science and the world around us – and, of course, disease – in all the many years that have followed since.
Cells themselves were also first discovered through the use of a microscope and are of course still studied in many ways today. This first discovery was made, of course, quite some time ago, dating back to the year of 1665 or so. A man by the name of Robert Hooke first made this discovery and like the discovery of bacteria, it is one that has changed the way that we see and study the world all around us. After all, cells are everywhere, and looking at these cells can tell us so very much about life as we know it – and inform new discoveries about life up until this very day.