Searching for jobs on an executive level can be daunting which is why utilizing executive hr search firms can take a load off this particular endeavor. Be that as it may,m remember the old adage not to take anything at face value and never underestimate finding the right executive staffing agency that will work best for you as well as with you. Human resources staffing along with executive agencies should do their utmost to find the most suitable position for your particular skill set. This isn’t always the case, out of 1,400 executives that were recently surveyed by Robert Half, 36% of felt the number one reason for failure to be hired was because of poor skills match. Followed closely by unclear performance objectives at 30% of those surveyed.
The main focus for hr recruiters is to match you on a professional level to find the most lucrative position available which is also mutually beneficial to them as they receive a percentage for orchestrating the union. Below are a few things to consider when using executive hr search firms in order to ensure you land the best opportunities.
Ask Questions: When choosing an executive placement agency you want to look at any reviews you can find for starters, this will answer most questions along the lines of customer satisfaction and approval rate. Once you have mad your selection and human resources contacts you for placement ask plenty of questions about what is expected of you in this position, whether or not it is temporary or if you will have the opportunity for permanency with the company.
Don’t Rush: You can imagine the amount of opportunity seeking individuals that need placement especially in today’s society with Millennials coming of age. Millennials are more open to changing jobs more frequently than any other generation, according to a 2016 Gallup poll 6 out of 10 were willing to switch. So don’t feel like you have to take the first offer that comes along, take the time to ensure a happy symbiotic relationship in your new role.
Competition: There is plenty of competition out there for executive hr search firms so for the most part they are going to go above and beyond to ensure their own success, which is great for the clients also. People are moving from job to job at an increasing rate, in 2015 alone 2.7 million employees left their jobs of their own volition, which is a 25% increase when compared to 2 years prior. This ensures positions are constantly becoming available for new job seekers.
Although there is no shortage of firms claiming to be number one its all relative to the individual when it comes down to it. What one firm may be able to do with one skill set may not be the next one’s forte and that’s alright. This just makes screening and questions all the more important to find the one that suits your individual needs, so feel free to get started on this next chapter in your career. Happy hunting!