In this video, you will learn about web hosting services. There is a lot to know about web hosting services. When you are looking to buy your first web hosting server, you are going to want to look at a lot of different options to compare.
There are pros and cons to certain ones. Everyone’s needs for server hosting differs, which is why it is important to consider a few different options. When you are first starting out, it is common to start with a simple one. BlueHost is one of the most common ones that people start with. GoDaddy is also one of the most common ones for beginners. For the price range, these are going to vary. Paying more than $5-10 a month is around where you should be at. In the future, you might consider upgrading to a more serious web hosting service. This one may be more expensive per month, but it will have a way larger bandwidth and be able to host way more computers. There is a lot to know about web hosting services. If you are interested in learning more, keep watching this video for more information.