The six basic types of firewalls are: embedded firewalls, enterprise software based firewalls, enterprise hardware based firewalls, SOHO software firewalls, SOHO hardware firewalls, and specialty firewalls. No matter which particular kind of enterprise firewall you need, it is imperative that you look for one that has a good quality intrusion detection system to maintain sufficient next gen network security. Consult with a specialist in IT security that can help you get a great intrusion prevention system with a quality network security platform.
A next generation network with sufficient security is vital for all sorts of businesses, especially ones that have sensitive information on their networks. Even the federal government has seen an increase in the occurrence of cyber attacks of almost 680 percent in the past six years. The US Government Accountability Office reported that cases of network security breaches grew from 13,017 in 2010 to 15,560 in 2011. Equipping your company with a next generation network is one of the best ways to prevent it from having to deal with security breaches on your network.
To make sure you have the best possible next generation network in place, it is vital that you hire the services of a reputable IT security provider. Consider several different security specialists so that you can find one that you will be able to trust for network security guidance. Not only will a next generation network specialist be able to help you reduce the frequency with which network breaches occur, but they will help you reduce the cost of these breaches as well. According to a study from 2011, the organizational cost of a security breach and the cost for each individual stolen record has gone down.
Some countries face greater challenges in security than others do. In the UK, for example, businesses have seen a rise in the cost of data breaches by 68 percent over the past five years. Make sure that your business has a next generation network in place that is reliable and you will be able to enjoy having a safe network that you can use confidently to handle important business tasks. Network specialists are vital to help make sure that companies can have an efficient next generation network that gives them the protection they require. Seek out a top quality network security specialist to get your business the proper kind of network that it requires for maximum success with computer equipment.