Did you know that UTP (Unshielded-Twisted-Pair) is the most popular type of cabling used for data networking in modern times? The metal inside UTP cables is made of copper and typically measures between 22 and 24 American Wire Gauge (AWG). Additionally, the insulation for UTP cables is generally either fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP) or polyethylene.
UTP cables are most typically used for LAN networks. UTP cables can also be used for low-speed data, high-speed data, voice, paging systems, and audio systems.
With that being said, you may need UTP cables of your own. It’s important to keep in mind that you can definitely find an affordable cable for your needs without compromising on quality. The video below warns consumers about the dangers of purchasing cheap cables that can cause issues in terms of use and safety.
When you need to purchase cables made in USA that are classified as UTP cables, don’t look to any online store.
When you need to purchase cables made in USA that are classified as UTP cables, don’t look to any online store. Be sure to look for signs that indicate the seller of the cable made in USA you’re looking at is legitimate. You don’t want to be scammed and accidentally purchase low-quality cables that will compromise your safety and your electronics.