What’s the digital marketing tactic with the highest return on investment (ROI)? You may be surprised to learn that it is actually email. While many might consider the humble email to be passed its prime, the savvy digital marketer knows that it still packs a punch, even though only 8% of companies have a dedicated email marketing team. In contrast, as much as 78% have a dedicated social media team. A good creative agency can help any business get their digital tactics in line and ensure that you aren’t missing out on customers.
Given that about a quarter of all company marketing budgets in 2014 were spent on digital and that figure is likely to jump to over three quarters in the next five years, it is clear that a digital strategy is vital to a company’s success. Many businesses, though, do not have expertise in-house to handle such strategic initiatives and may not employ a creative agency to address it. Frighteningly, less than half of companies that do digital marketing actually have a plan.
Yet, the digital environment is tricky even for experts, though, with the highest percentage of digital marketers in a recent study listing ?meeting the expectations of the always-connected customer? as their number one challenge, This was closely followed by ?executing consistent campaigns that drive desired business outcomes? (14%) and the proliferation of channels across paid, owned and earned media (13%). Customers, too, can find the digital landscape a less than pleasant experience, with over 80% having had some sort of negative social media marketing experience.
All of this means that expert help can make the difference between digital success and the kind of social media nightmare that even the largest companies shudder at the thought of. A marketing agency can offer insight into the changing landscape. The benefits of hiring an advertising agency are clear. An advertising agency can identify the best ways to reach the customers you need. Ad agencies can combine creative innovation with trend knowledge to offer businesses custom solutions in digital environments. They can also work with in-house staff to craft a campaign or digital strategy that leverages the strengths of your organization.