If you are a company looking to expand your reach online, it will be almost impossible to do without a properly executed web marketing strategy. You have several options to choose from, but perhaps the most cost effective is Search Engine Optimization.
70 percent of the links search users click on are organic, which are links created through search engine optimization. Search engine optimization, or SEO, is a series of practices designed to increase a websites’ visibility in the search engine rankings through free or “organic” listings.
For Google, 18 percent of organic clicks go to the #1 position, 10 percent of organic clicks go to the #2 position, and 7 percent of organic clicks go to the #3 position. If your page is not being displayed in the first page results, you are rendering your business relatively obsolete in comparison to your competitors who have executed an SEO strategy. SEO is fundamentally based on keyword rich content, link building, and social media interaction.
If you are interested in SEO, but are unsure of where to begin, or do not have the time to dedicate to the process, you have the option of working with an Seo reseller, social media reseller or website reseller. SEO resellers have made a business out of reselling SEO, so you know that your strategy will be executed properly. In fact, a poorly executed SEO strategy can actually work against you, so making sure it is done right is imperative to the success of your site.
Reselling SEO is great for a business on a budget because it is so customizable. Most companies reselling SEO will charge you based on the work that they complete on your campaign on a month to month basis, rather than one flat rate. This allows for you to spend more or less depending on how much work needs to be done.
If you have not yet considered reselling SEO to help you disseminate your brand online, you should. It is cost effective, and allows for measurable, scalable results to help you to maximize your campaign. Get more on this here.