When selecting an LCD display, custom is really the only way you can possibly go. You of course could purchase an LCD display that has images and text already embedded into it, but that text would not be up to you and so there would be nothing custom about your purchase. When choosing your LCD display custom, then, needs to serve as your first option, not your last.
A custom lcd display from a reliable manufacturer that will deliver the goods on time and hopefully on or under budget also has to be a reality for your marketing situation. Your message needs to get across to your customers, and an excellent way to reach the masses here is with these custom lcds. So of course, a reliable business with a solid history of delivering valuable and high quality custom LCD signs and displays is where your company’s marketing money should go.
One last thing to consider when picking out high quality custom lcd panels from good companies is the color options and the way the text and images look on a display. Always know before making a buying decision what custom color LCD displays will look like. A mock up is helpful, but really the most ideal solution here is to see firsthand what these displays look like up close. Without knowing the quality, your marketing budget could be blown on a less than stellar display. So carefully research here when choosing an LCD display custom or not.