It?s easy to believe that printing has gone ?out of style.? After all, how much does printing communication really matter now that internet marketing is here to stay?
Research shows, though, that printed advertisements still matter to consumers. Part of it is because direct mail marketing is still better at cutting through the noise than online ads are. It?s easy to just swipe to the next page if you don?t want to see an ad on your web browser. If something comes in the mail, though, you?re more likely to give it a look through before doing anything else with it.
About 62% of Americans also report enjoying checking their mailbox for mail, which creates a pleasant psychological association for anything they receive — not exactly the same situation for pop-up ads.
Hence, commercial printing companies are still helping people out — in some cases, more than ever before. Here?s a few ways you can continue to incorporate non digital ads into your company?s advertising.
Vehicle Wraps: Ads on Wheels
If you?re not familiar with vehicle wraps, they are essentially the ads you might see on the side of a pizza delivery car, for example, or a food truck. There?s a reason a lot of businesses enjoy using vehicle wraps. Research indicates that 98% of in car audiences report noticing truck-side ads, and the uniqueness of the display environment ensures that more eyes will be on your ad than if it were simply on a newspaper page. Since vehicles are constantly moving, as well, this is an ad that can reach hundreds of people every day — but you only need to pay for it once.
Barricade Wrap
Have you ever walked past a barricade in the city and noticed that it was advertising for something? If you?ve dreamed of having a 10 foot tall ad for your company, here?s your chance. And because this is essentially ?free money? to the company allowing you to display it, it?s not going to be as expensive to put up as, say, a billboard. Just make sure that your ad doesn?t allow for any easy, awkward edits: tagging is more common for ads in walk through areas.
Business Cards
Did you know that nearly 30 million business cards are still printed every day? Though everyone and their brother may be on Facebook or LinkedIn now, business cards remain an important way of keeping in touch with clients or potential business partners. The key here is working with digital printing companies that have experience making professional, clean looking business cards.
There you have it: there are still numerous ways for printing to help out your business. It’s not all digital!